Displaying all publications tagged "Trees".

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Journal Articles
Echiverri, L.F.I., Macdonald, S.E. & Nielsen, S.E. 2022. Neighboring edges: Interacting edge effects from linear disturbances in treed fens. Applied Vegetation Science 25:e12645.
Wei, S., Li, L., Lian, J., Nielsen, S.E., Wang, Z., Mao, L., Ouyang, X., Cao, H. & Ye, W. 2020. Role of the dominant species on the distributions of neighbor species in a subtropical forest. Forests 11(352): 1-11.
Kearney, S.P., Coops, N.C., Stenhouse, G.B., Nielsen, S.E., Hermosillae T., White, J.C. & Wulder, M.A. 2019. Grizzly bear selection of recently harvested forests is dependent on forest recovery rate and landscape composition. Forest Ecology and Management 449(1):117459.
Hart, S.J., Henkelman, J., McLoughlin, P.D., Nielsen, S.E., Truchon-Savard, A. & Johnstone, J.F. 2019. Examining forest resilience to changing fire frequency in a fire‐prone region of boreal forest. Global Change Biology 25:869-884.
Stralberg, D., Carroll, C., Pedlar, J.H., Wilsey, C.B., McKenney, D.W. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Macrorefugia for North American trees and songbirds: Climatic limiting factors and multi-scale topographic influences. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2018: 1–14.
Xing, D., Nielsen, S.E., Macdonald, S.E., Spence, J.R., He, F. 2018. Survival and growth of residual trees in a variable retention harvest experiment in a boreal mixedwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 411: 187-194.
Mao, L., Bater, C.W., Stadt, J.J., White, B., Tompalski, P., Coops, N.C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Environmental landscape determinants of maximum forest canopy height of boreal forests. Journal of Plant Ecology rtx071: 1-7.
Zhang, J., Nielsen, S.E., Mao, L., Chen, S. & Jens-Christian S.  2016. Regional and historical factors supplement current climate in shaping global forest canopy height. Journal of Ecology 104: 469–478.
Book Chapters
Research Reports
Filicetti, A.T. 2021. Fire and tree recovery on seismic lines. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Willier, C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Why did the water cross under the road? Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #7.
Filicetti, A. & Nielsen, S.E. 2017. Fire: a seismic restoration tool? Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #2.