Displaying all publications tagged "Rocky Mountains".

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Journal Articles
McClelland, C.J.R., Denny, C.K., Larsen, T.A., Stenhouse, G.B. & Nielsen, S.E. 2021. Landscape estimates of carrying capacity for grizzly bears using nutritional energy supply for management and conservation planning. Journal of Nature Conservation 62: 126018.
Tracy S. Lee. T.S., Creech, T.G., Martinson, A., Nielsen, S.E., Jakes, A.F., Jones, P.F., Sanderson, K. & Ford, A.T. 2021. Prioritizing human safety and multispecies connectivity across a regional road network. Conservation Science & Practice 3(2): e327.
Lamb, C.L., Ford, A.T., McLellan, B.N., Proctor, M.F., Mowat, G., Ciarniello, L., Nielsen, S.E. & Boutin, S. 2020. The ecology of human–carnivore coexistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(30): 17876-17883.
McClelland, C.J.R., Coops, N.C., Kearney, S.P., Burton, A.C., Nielsen, S.E. & Stenhouse, G.B. 2020. Variations in grizzly bear habitat selection in relation to the daily and seasonal availability of annual plant-food resources. Ecological Informatics 58: 101116.
McClelland, C.J.R.,  Coops, N.C., Berman, E.E., Kearney, S.P., Nielsen, S.E., Burton, A.C. & Stenhouse, G.B. 2020. Detecting changes in understory and canopy vegetation cycles in West Central Alberta using a fusion of Landsat and MODIS. Applied Vegetation Science 23(2), 223-238.
Souliere, C.M., Coogan, S.C.P., Stenhouse, G.B. & Nielsen, S.E. 2020. Harvested forests as a surrogate to wildfires in relation to grizzly bear food-supply in west-central Alberta. Forest Ecology and Management Volume 456 (117685), 1-13.
Pollock, S.Z., Whittington, J., Nielsen, S.E. & St. Clair, C.C. 2019. Spatiotemporal railway use by grizzly bears in Canada's Rocky Mountains. Journal of Wildlife Management 83(8), 1787-1799.
Kearney, S.P., Coops, N.C., Stenhouse, G.B., Nielsen, S.E., Hermosillae T., White, J.C. & Wulder, M.A. 2019. Grizzly bear selection of recently harvested forests is dependent on forest recovery rate and landscape composition. Forest Ecology and Management 449(1):117459.
Laskin, D.N., McDermid, G.J., Nielsen, S.E., Marshall, S.J., Roberts, D.R. & Montaghi, A. 2019. Advances in phenology are conserved across scale in present and future climates. Nature Climate Change 9:419–425.
Gilhooly, P.S., Nielsen, S.E., Whittington, J. & Cassady St. Clair, C. 2019. Wildlife mortality on roads and railways following highway mitigation. Ecosphere 10(2): e02597.
Hughes, C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2019. ‘Bear are only the Lightning Rod’: Ongoing Acrimony in Alberta’s Grizzly Bear Recovery. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal  32(1):34-52.
Ladle, A., Avgar T., Wheatley, M., Stenhouse, G.B., Nielsen, S.E. & Boyce, M.S. 2019. Grizzly bear response to spatio-temporal variability in human recreational activity. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:375–386.
Larsen, T.A., Nielsen, S.E., Cranston, J. & Stenhouse, G.B. 2019. Do remnant retention patches and forest edges increase grizzly bear food supply? Forest Ecology and Management 433:741-761.
Coogan, S.C.P., Coops, N.C., Janz, D.M., Cattet, M.R.L., Kearney, S.P., Stenhouse, G.B. & Nielsen, S.E. 2019. Towards grizzly bear population recovery in a modern landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology 56(1):93-99.
Lamb, C.T., Mowat, G., Reid, A., Smit, L., Proctor, M., McLellan, B.N., Nielsen, S.E., Boutin, S. 2018. Effects of habitat quality and access management on the density of a recoverying grizzly bear population. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1406–1417.
Lamb, C.T., Mowat, G., McLellan, B.N., Nielsen, S.E. & Boutin, S. 2017. Forbidden fruit: human settlement and abundant fruit create an ecological trap for an apex omnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 86(1): 55–65.
Laskin, D.N., Montaghi A, Nielsen, S.E. & McDermid, G.J. 2016. Estimating understory temperatures using MODIS LST in mixed cordilleran forests. Remote Sensing 8: 658.
Cristescu, B., Stenhouse, G.B., Symbaluk, M., Nielsen, S.E. & Boyce, M.S. 2016. Wildlife habitat selection on landscapes with industrial disturbance. Environmental Conservation 1-10.
Cristescu, B., Stenhouse, G.B., Symbaluk, M., Nielsen, S.E. & Boyce, M.S. 2016. Wildlife habitat selection on landscapes with industrial disturbance. Environmental Conservation [in press]
Nijland, W., Coops, N.C., Nielsen, S.E. & Stenhouse, G. 2015. Integrating optical satellite data and airborne laser scanning in habitat classification for wildlife management. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 38: 242–250.
Nijland W., Nielsen S.E., Coops N.C., Wulder M.A. & Stenhouse G.B. 2014. Fine-spatial scale predictions of understory species using climate-and LiDAR-derived terrain and canopy metrics. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 8(1): 083572-083572.
Pigeon K.E., Nielsen S.E., Stenhouse G.B. & Côté S.D. 2014. Den selection by grizzly bears on a managed landscape. Journal of Mammalogy 95(3): 559-571.
Nielsen S.E., Cattet M.R.L., Boulanger J., Cranston J., McDermid G.J., Shafer A.B.A., Stenhouse G.B. 2013. Environmental, biological and anthropogenic effects on grizzly bear body size: temporal and spatial considerations. BMC Ecology 13: 31.
López-Alfaroa C., Robbins C.T., Zedrosser A. & Nielsen S.E. 2013. Energetics of hibernation and reproductive trade-offs in brown bears. Ecological Modeling 270: 1-10.
Stewart B.P., Nelson T.A., Laberee K., Nielsen S.E., Wulder M.A. & Stenhouse G. 2013. Quantifying grizzly bear selection of natural and anthropogenic edges. Journal of Wildlife Management 77(5): 957-964.
Nijland W., Coops N.C., Coogan S.C.P., Bater C.W., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E., McDermid G. & Stenhouse G.B. 2013. Vegetation phenology can be captured with digital repeat photography and linked to variability of root nutrition in Hedysarum alpinum. Applied Vegetation Science 16(2): 317–324.
Girard T.L., Bork E.W., Nielsen S.E. & Alexander M.J. 2013. Seasonal variation in habitat selection by free-ranging feral horses within Alberta's Forest Reserve. Rangeland Ecology & Management 66(4): 428-437.
Smulders M., Nelson T.A., Jelinski D.E., Nielsen S.E., Stenhouse G.B. & Laberee K. 2012. Quantifying spatial–temporal patterns in wildlife ranges using STAMP: A grizzly bear example.   Applied Geography 35(1–2): 124–131.
Stewart B.P., Nelson T.A., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E. & Stenhouse G. 2012. Impact of disturbance characteristics and age on grizzly bear habitat selection. Applied Geography 34: 614-625.
Coops N.C., Hilker T., Bater C.W., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E., McDermid G. & Stenhouse G. 2012. Linking ground-based to satellite derived phenological metrics in support of habitat assessment. Remote Sensing Letters 3(3): 191-200.
Serrouya R., McLellan B.N., Boutin S., Seip D.R. & Nielsen S.E. 2011. Developing a population target for an overabundant ungulate for ecosystem restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.01998.x.
Bater C.W., Coops N.C., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E., McDermid G. & Stenhouse G.B. 2011. Design and installation of a camera network across an elevation gradient for habitat assessment. Instrumentation Science & Technology 39: 231-247.
Nielsen S.E., Cranston J. & Stenhouse G.B. 2009. Identification of priority areas for grizzly bear conservation and recovery in Alberta, Canada. Journal of Conservation Planning 5: 38-60.
Nielsen S.E., Boyce M.S., Beyer H., Huettmann F. & Stenhouse G.S. 2008. Can natural disturbance-based forestry rescue a declining population of grizzly bears? Biological Conservation 141: 2193-2207.
Nielsen S.E., Boyce M.S. & Stenhouse G.B. 2006. A habitat-based framework for grizzly bear conservation in Alberta. Biological Conservation 130: 217-229.
Munro R.H.M., Nielsen S.E., Price M.H., Stenhouse G.B. & Boyce M.S. 2006. Seasonal and diel patterns of grizzly bear diet and activity in west-central Alberta. Journal of Mammalogy 87: 1112-1121.
Nielsen S.E., Herrero S., Boyce M.S., Benn B., Mace R.D., Gibeau M.L. & Jevons S. 2004. Modelling the spatial distribution of human-caused grizzly bear mortalities in the Central Rockies Ecosystem of Canada. Biological Conservation 120: 101-113.
Nielsen S.E., Boyce M.S., Stenhouse G.B. & Munro R.H.M. 2003. Development and testing of phenologically driven grizzly bear habitat models. Ecoscience 10: 1-10.
Book Chapters
Research Reports
Lamb, C.T. 2019. Grizzly bear population dynamics across productivity and human influence gradients. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Hughes, C. 2018. The importance and influence of the human dimensions in grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) conservation. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Braid, A.C.R. 2015. Mitigating the effects of human activity on grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in southwestern Alberta. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.