Displaying all publications tagged "LiDAR".

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Journal Articles
Barber, Q.E., Bater, C.W., Dabros, A., Pinzon, J., Nielsen, S.E. & Parisien, M-A. 2021. Persistent impact of conventional seismic lines on boreal vegetation structure following wildfire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51:1–14.
Mao, L., Dennett, J., Bater, C.W., Tompalski, P., Coops, N.C., Farr, D., Kohler, M., White B., Stadt, J.J. & Nielsen S.E. 2018. Using airborne laser scanning to predict plant species richness and assess conservation threats in the oil sands region of Alberta’s boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management 409: 29-37.
Mao, L., Bater, C.W., Stadt, J.J., White, B., Tompalski, P., Coops, N.C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Environmental landscape determinants of maximum forest canopy height of boreal forests. Journal of Plant Ecology rtx071: 1-7.
Guo, X., Coops, N.C., Gergel, S.E., Bater, C.W., Nielsen, S.E., Stadt, J.J., Drever, M. 2018. Integrating airborne lidar and satellite imagery to model habitat connectivity dynamics for spatial conservation prioritization. Landscape Ecology 33:491-511.
Guo, X., Coops, N.C., Tompalski, P., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W. & Stadt, J.J. 2017. Regional mapping of vegetation structure for biodiversity monitoring using airborne lidar data Ecological Informatics 38: 50–61.
Coops, N.C., Tompaski, P., Nijland, W., Rickbeil, G.J.M., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W. & Stadt, J.J. 2016. A forest structure habitat index based on airborne laser scanning data. Ecological Indicators 67: 346-357
Barber, Q.E., Bater, C.W., Braid, A.C.R., Coops, N.C., Tompalski, P. & Nielsen, S.E. 2016. Airborne laser scanning for modelling understory shrub abundance and productivity. Forest Ecology and Management 377: 46-54.
Zhang, J., Nielsen, S.E., Mao, L., Chen, S. & Jens-Christian S.  2016. Regional and historical factors supplement current climate in shaping global forest canopy height. Journal of Ecology 104: 469–478.
Nijland, W., Coops, N.C., Macdonald, S.E., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W., White, B., Ogilvie, J. & Stadt, J. 2015. Remote sensing proxies of productivity and moisture predict forest stand type and recovery rate following experimental harvest. Forest Ecology and Management 357: 239-247.
Nijland W., Coops, N.C., Macdonald, S.E., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C. & Stadt, J.J. 2015. Comparing patterns in forest stand structure following variable harvests using airborne laser scanning data. Forest Ecology and Management 354: 272-280.
van Rensen, C.K., Nielsen, S.E., White, B., Vinge, T. & Lieffers, V.J. 2015. Natural regeneration of forest vegetation on legacy seismic lines in boreal habitats in Alberta’s oil sands region. Biological Conservation 184: 127–135.
Nijland W., Nielsen S.E., Coops N.C., Wulder M.A. & Stenhouse G.B. 2014. Fine-spatial scale predictions of understory species using climate-and LiDAR-derived terrain and canopy metrics. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 8(1): 083572-083572.
Book Chapters
Research Reports
Riva, F. 2019. Responses in butterflies to loss and fragmentation of boreal forests from in situ oil sands. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Van Rensen, C.K. 2014. Predicting patterns of regeneration on seismic lines to inform restoration planning in boreal forest habitats. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Willier, C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Why did the water cross under the road? Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #7.