Displaying all publications tagged "Grasslands".

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Journal Articles
Martin, C.J., Bork, E.W. & Nielsen, S.E. 2022. Mortality of grassland birds increases with transmission lines. Avian Conservation & Ecology 17(1):17.
MacDonald, Z.G., Dupuis, J.R., Davis, C.S., Acorn, J.H., Nielsen, S.E. & Sperling, F.A.H. 2020. Gene flow and climate‐associated genetic variation in a vagile habitat specialist. Molecular Ecology 29(20): 3889-3906.
Cuti, S., Jensen, W.F., Nielsen, S.E. & Boyce, M.S. 2015. Predicting mule deer recruitment from climate oscillations for harvest management on the northern Great Plains. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(8): 1226–1238.
Schoenecker, K.A., Nielsen, S.E., Zeigenfuss, L.C. & Pague, C.A. 2015. Selection of vegetation types and density of bison in an arid ecosystem. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(7): 1117-1128.
Aldridge C.L., Nielsen S.E., Beyer H.L., Boyce M.S., Connelly J.W., Knick S.T. & Schroeder M.A. 2008. Range-wide patterns of greater sage-grouse persistence. Diversity and Distributions 14: 983-994.
Book Chapters
Leu, M., Hanser, S.E., Aldridge, C.L., Nielsen, S.E., Suring, L.H. & Knick, S.T. 2011. Occurrence of large and medium-sized mammal: Occurrence but not count models predict pronghorn distribution. Pp. 315–336 in Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Research Reports
Martin, C. 2018. Displacement and mortality of birds by high voltage transmission lines in the Canadian dry mixed prairie. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Fink, K.A. 2014. Landscape- and micro-scale habitat selection by greater short-horned lizards. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.