Displaying all publications tagged "Forestry".

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Journal Articles
François-Nicolas Robinne, F.N., Stadt, J., Bater, C.W., Nock, C.A., Macdonald, S.E. & Nielsen, S.E. 2020. Application of the conservation planning tool Zonation to inform retention planning in the boreal forest of western Canada. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. 8:584291
Souliere, C.M., Coogan, S.C.P., Stenhouse, G.B. & Nielsen, S.E. 2020. Harvested forests as a surrogate to wildfires in relation to grizzly bear food-supply in west-central Alberta. Forest Ecology and Management Volume 456 (117685), 1-13.
Franklin, C.M.A., Nielsen, S.E. & Macdonald, S.E. 2019. Understory vascular plant responses to retention harvesting with and without prescribed fire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research (in press).
Kearney, S.P., Coops, N.C., Stenhouse, G.B., Nielsen, S.E., Hermosillae T., White, J.C. & Wulder, M.A. 2019. Grizzly bear selection of recently harvested forests is dependent on forest recovery rate and landscape composition. Forest Ecology and Management 449(1):117459.
Larsen, T.A., Nielsen, S.E., Cranston, J. & Stenhouse, G.B. 2019. Do remnant retention patches and forest edges increase grizzly bear food supply? Forest Ecology and Management 433:741-761.
Franklin, C.M.A., Macdonald, S.E. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Combining aggregated and dispersed tree retention harvesting for conservation of vascular plant communities. Ecological Applications 28(7): 1830–1840.
Xing, D., Nielsen, S.E., Macdonald, S.E., Spence, J.R., He, F. 2018. Survival and growth of residual trees in a variable retention harvest experiment in a boreal mixedwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 411: 187-194.
Guo, X., Coops, N.C., Tompalski, P., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W. & Stadt, J.J. 2017. Regional mapping of vegetation structure for biodiversity monitoring using airborne lidar data Ecological Informatics 38: 50–61.
Coops, N.C., Tompaski, P., Nijland, W., Rickbeil, G.J.M., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W. & Stadt, J.J. 2016. A forest structure habitat index based on airborne laser scanning data. Ecological Indicators 67: 346-357
Zhang, J., Nielsen, S.E., Mao, L., Chen, S. & Jens-Christian S.  2016. Regional and historical factors supplement current climate in shaping global forest canopy height. Journal of Ecology 104: 469–478.
Nijland, W., Coops, N.C., Macdonald, S.E., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W., White, B., Ogilvie, J. & Stadt, J. 2015. Remote sensing proxies of productivity and moisture predict forest stand type and recovery rate following experimental harvest. Forest Ecology and Management 357: 239-247.
Nijland W., Coops, N.C., Macdonald, S.E., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C. & Stadt, J.J. 2015. Comparing patterns in forest stand structure following variable harvests using airborne laser scanning data. Forest Ecology and Management 354: 272-280.
van Rensen, C.K., Nielsen, S.E., White, B., Vinge, T. & Lieffers, V.J. 2015. Natural regeneration of forest vegetation on legacy seismic lines in boreal habitats in Alberta’s oil sands region. Biological Conservation 184: 127–135.
White C.F.H., Coops N.C., Nijland W., Hilker T., Nelson T.A., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E. & Stenhouse G.B. 2014. Characterizing a decade of disturbance events using Landsat and MODIS satellite imagery in Western Alberta, Canada for grizzly bear management. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 40(5): 336-347.
Nielsen S.E., Boyce M.S., Beyer H., Huettmann F. & Stenhouse G.S. 2008. Can natural disturbance-based forestry rescue a declining population of grizzly bears? Biological Conservation 141: 2193-2207.
Nielsen S.E., Munro R.H.M., Bainbridge E., Boyce M.S. & Stenhouse G.B. 2004. Grizzly bears and forestry II: distribution of grizzly bear foods in clearcuts of west-central Alberta, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 199: 67-82.
Book Chapters
Research Reports
Franklin, C.M.A. 2018. Effectiveness of retention harvesting for biodiversity conservation: evidence for understory vegetation and wildlife. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Robinson, M.P. 2017. Reproduction and abundance of the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) in post-harvest variable retention forests. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.