Rare Butterflies of Alberta

Ecological niche models for rare butterflies of Alberta, present-day and 2050 and 2080 projections.

NatureServe sub-national (S) and global (G) rankings are also provided (1 = critically imperiled, 2 = imperiled, 3 = vulnerable, 4 = apparently secure, 5 = secure). N indicates number of observations (populations) that are known in the province and thus the model construction sample size.


Sample map: Present-day habitat suitability map for the Acadian Hairstreak (Satyrium acadica).


These maps are made available for public and academic use. For more information, please contact [email protected] (Dr. Scott Nielsen) or [email protected] (Jessica Stolar). We'd also love to hear if you have found these maps useful.

Suggested citation
If you're using these maps in publications or materials, please cite the following publication:
Stolar, J. and S.E. Nielsen. (In review) Mitigating potential losses of Alberta’s rare vascular plants and butterflies under climate change and resource use. Ecosphere.

Funded by:
Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC)

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)

Atlas Collection ID: 2
▼ Rare Butterflies of Alberta